Blockchain-Enabled Smart Locks
Smart lock systems using Blockchain technology are called Blockchain-Enabled Smart Locks. A smart lock is the name given to lock systems controlled by technological devices (phone, tablet, computer) in general terms. Although smart locks, which are increasing in use among everyday users, are easy to use, they are products with high-security vulnerabilities. Smart lock systems using blockchain technology are used to close these security gaps.
Learn top tech applications and use cases of Blockchain in detail.
What are Blockchain-Enabled Smart Locks?
As we know, lock systems are devices whose usage by the end consumer decreases with the developing and changing world conditions. A smart lock system is a technology that has recently been developed and used in terms of ease of use and accessibility. Smart lock systems using blockchain technology, on the other hand, provide safe, easy-to-use, powerful solutions by using smart contracts for encryption.
Blockchain-Enabled Smart Locks enable the opening and closing of the lock system embedded in the blockchain with smart contracts. Thanks to its near-limitless programmability and secure payment methods, many new business models are emerging.
How Blockchain-Enabled Smart Locks Work
Using an advanced and reliable logic system to control the opening and closing of the smart lock, unlike standard smart lock systems, gives smart lock systems versatile security. Smart contracts embed the conditions that must be met before the relevant service or tool can be unlocked. The system, which works in a decentralized and automated manner, can be employed in many steps that require a “chain of action – permission”, from data access management to extending a leased home’s commitment.
What are the Examples of Blockchain-Enabled Smart Locks?
In daily life, blockchain-enabled smart locks can be used in the follow-up and management of incoming orders and permanent-temporary usage services. For instance, it provides great convenience and security for the follow-up of a service person who comes when there is no one at home, or for the guests who come out of the house, and also revocation or renewal of commitments for leased assets (such as homes, hotel rooms, cars, bikes, etc.) .